"Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" was a 1989 family/comedy movie. You might be familiar with movies where a machine, a wish, or, by some magic something or someone, is radically changed. No doubt you have seen movies like "Trading Places," a 1983 comedy/drama where two people swap lives based on being placed in different circumstances.
Do you remember the 1961 or the 1998 "Parent Trap" movie where twin girls are separated at birth, find each other at a camp, and decide to fool their parents by swapping lives? Have you ever watched a "makeover" show and wondered how long did it take for the new person to revert back to the old person they were before? Does the hoarder's cleaned out house stay clean for long? Does the "Biggest Loser"'s weight stay off? I wonder!
The Christian life is never static. One must either grow in grace or there will be backsliding and deterioration. To make movies entertaining, the plot usually contains a hero and a villain, a blessing and a curse, a victory and a defeat. For the most part, at least, we want the good guy to win. We want it to work out the way we would want it to if the plot was playing out in reality in our lives. But in fact, our real lives are messy. If a documentary were done on your life, particularly your walk of faith with God, would it have you lost or struggling, then saved and growing, then the end? Would it reveal you lost or struggling, then saved or rededicated, and then floundering again? I wonder!
When Jesus commanded we die to self daily, when John said He must increase and we must decrease, when Paul spoke of being dead to sin and crucifying the old nature, none of them implied a temporary change or state.
Kamala Harris is being accused by conservatives as "flip-flopping" on some key issues and policies. No one likes someone that is all over the place. Jesus said that He would rather us be hot or cold. Paul exhorted us not to be like dust that drifts in the wind. James warned of the double-minded man. He who does not go on with God, but allows himself to drift, is almost sure to lose the joy of their salvation. So I ask you, have you been careless in spiritual matters, or diligent?
The reason that yo-yo dieting is so very frustrating is obvious. A person puts in all that effort and goes without the foods that they had come to enjoy so much, and this deprivation can go on for an extended period of time, but then go back to their old ways and the weight comes back on. Many people will put all their weight back on before starting to diet all over again. Pure torture! I know, believe me.
Do not accept the suggestion of the Tempter that you are powerless to break away from old, bad, evil habits. As you reckon yourself dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Spirit will work in you and through you. He will cause you to triumph over tendencies toward evil and enable you to live victoriously to the glory of God who has saved you, transformed you, and remade you new and awesome.
A little careless in regard to study, giving, praying, worshiping, witnessing, serving, encouraging, etc.? You know better. We don't do what we do because we are legalistic. We do what we do diligently for three very important reasons:
1) His sake
2) Our sake
3) Other's sake
Put your hand back to the plow and move forward.
I am not a Joyce Myers fan. I have never used anything of hers in the past, but I opened this video and felt like it was solid and I ask you to check it out if you wish. It directly coordinates with this post.
Do you remember the 1961 or the 1998 "Parent Trap" movie where twin girls are separated at birth, find each other at a camp, and decide to fool their parents by swapping lives? Have you ever watched a "makeover" show and wondered how long did it take for the new person to revert back to the old person they were before? Does the hoarder's cleaned out house stay clean for long? Does the "Biggest Loser"'s weight stay off? I wonder!
The Christian life is never static. One must either grow in grace or there will be backsliding and deterioration. To make movies entertaining, the plot usually contains a hero and a villain, a blessing and a curse, a victory and a defeat. For the most part, at least, we want the good guy to win. We want it to work out the way we would want it to if the plot was playing out in reality in our lives. But in fact, our real lives are messy. If a documentary were done on your life, particularly your walk of faith with God, would it have you lost or struggling, then saved and growing, then the end? Would it reveal you lost or struggling, then saved or rededicated, and then floundering again? I wonder!
When Jesus commanded we die to self daily, when John said He must increase and we must decrease, when Paul spoke of being dead to sin and crucifying the old nature, none of them implied a temporary change or state.
Kamala Harris is being accused by conservatives as "flip-flopping" on some key issues and policies. No one likes someone that is all over the place. Jesus said that He would rather us be hot or cold. Paul exhorted us not to be like dust that drifts in the wind. James warned of the double-minded man. He who does not go on with God, but allows himself to drift, is almost sure to lose the joy of their salvation. So I ask you, have you been careless in spiritual matters, or diligent?
The reason that yo-yo dieting is so very frustrating is obvious. A person puts in all that effort and goes without the foods that they had come to enjoy so much, and this deprivation can go on for an extended period of time, but then go back to their old ways and the weight comes back on. Many people will put all their weight back on before starting to diet all over again. Pure torture! I know, believe me.
Do not accept the suggestion of the Tempter that you are powerless to break away from old, bad, evil habits. As you reckon yourself dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord, the Holy Spirit will work in you and through you. He will cause you to triumph over tendencies toward evil and enable you to live victoriously to the glory of God who has saved you, transformed you, and remade you new and awesome.
A little careless in regard to study, giving, praying, worshiping, witnessing, serving, encouraging, etc.? You know better. We don't do what we do because we are legalistic. We do what we do diligently for three very important reasons:
1) His sake
2) Our sake
3) Other's sake
Put your hand back to the plow and move forward.
I am not a Joyce Myers fan. I have never used anything of hers in the past, but I opened this video and felt like it was solid and I ask you to check it out if you wish. It directly coordinates with this post.
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
1 Comment
I can say from experience that backsliding is very tiresome. Thank God that even though I may slip back for a moment and feel defeated that He is Always there with His arms open wide to draw me back into His Grace. Thank you for your words, they always remind me that Our God is So Very Good to Us.