Day Fourteen - Vision
Day fourteen. Let's talk about what a powerful thing a God-given vision is for His followers.
A lot of people mistake goal-setting for vision. There is nothing wrong with having goals, dreams, desires, ambition, etc., but spiritual vision, wisdom, and discernment for your life comes from God and is not set in our carnal minds. The vision I speak of originates from God. It is something God deposits in your heart and mind. He says this is the highest you! This is My call, My dream, My vision for your life. I believe it to always be bigger than what we imagine for ourselves. I (want to) believe that God has something for me that is unattainable without His presence, power, purpose, protection, and provision.
What are you believing God for? Is there anything that you would ask God for that might just be between you and Him? Something that might sound ridiculous if someone overheard you praying?
I want to challenge you to believe that all things are possible with God and nothing is possible without faith. Are you willing to let God plant a fresh vision into your soul?
In Matthew 19:26 we read: ". . . and Jesus looked at them and said, 'With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
Paul wrote in Philippians 1:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Hebrews 11:6 states that "without faith, it is impossible to please God."
I want you to read about one of my favorite encounters with Jesus and a man called "Blind Bartimaeus." As you read, note verse fifty-one where Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" The blind man replied to Him, "Rabbi, I want to receive my sight."
Now that certainly seems obvious to us reading about a desperate man meeting the Master, but would you dare as much? And, if you did, would you ask believing? I mean, how many previously-blind people do you know? Exactly!!
Read Mark 10:46-52
A lot of people mistake goal-setting for vision. There is nothing wrong with having goals, dreams, desires, ambition, etc., but spiritual vision, wisdom, and discernment for your life comes from God and is not set in our carnal minds. The vision I speak of originates from God. It is something God deposits in your heart and mind. He says this is the highest you! This is My call, My dream, My vision for your life. I believe it to always be bigger than what we imagine for ourselves. I (want to) believe that God has something for me that is unattainable without His presence, power, purpose, protection, and provision.
What are you believing God for? Is there anything that you would ask God for that might just be between you and Him? Something that might sound ridiculous if someone overheard you praying?
I want to challenge you to believe that all things are possible with God and nothing is possible without faith. Are you willing to let God plant a fresh vision into your soul?
In Matthew 19:26 we read: ". . . and Jesus looked at them and said, 'With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
Paul wrote in Philippians 1:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Hebrews 11:6 states that "without faith, it is impossible to please God."
I want you to read about one of my favorite encounters with Jesus and a man called "Blind Bartimaeus." As you read, note verse fifty-one where Jesus asked him, "What do you want me to do for you?" The blind man replied to Him, "Rabbi, I want to receive my sight."
Now that certainly seems obvious to us reading about a desperate man meeting the Master, but would you dare as much? And, if you did, would you ask believing? I mean, how many previously-blind people do you know? Exactly!!
Read Mark 10:46-52
Read Matthew 21:22
I have a good friend, Pastor Marcus Reeding, who is awaiting biopsy results from a mass on his pancreas. If it is cancer, he statistically may only have days to live. Hundreds of people across this community, but also across our convention, who know and love him, are praying. His son works for Samaritan's Purse. I have never heard of a survivor in this position. I, along with many others, perhaps including Franklin Graham, are praying for his healing. I ask you, what do you think?
So you want to stop. . . So you want to start. . . Do you believe you can?
Just like Nehemiah, success begins with vision. I remind you , the King who refused to let the walls of Jerusalem be rebuilt agreed to not only let Nehemiah go, but he sent out provisions to make it possible. Jesus said, "Ask, and you shall receive."
Faith. Simple word, with profound depth. You maybe can't, but our God can. You will never know that personally unless you ask God to impress upon you a vision - excuse me, a God-Sized Vision. I spoke Sunday about those who may nurse bitterness for perhaps decades. I have known people who died bitter, and I have known people God enabled to forgive, and they died free from their heartache and grief. Just one example:
If an incest victim can forgive, can't you?
If those haunted by regret can give their worries to God, can't you?
If blind Bartimaeus can receive his sight, can't you?
I have no idea what vision God has for you, or what miracle might be required, but after walking with my Lord all those years, I believe!!! God's program includes us. Let's get a hold of that which the Lord has laid hold of us (Philippians 3:12:14).
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
So you want to stop. . . So you want to start. . . Do you believe you can?
Just like Nehemiah, success begins with vision. I remind you , the King who refused to let the walls of Jerusalem be rebuilt agreed to not only let Nehemiah go, but he sent out provisions to make it possible. Jesus said, "Ask, and you shall receive."
Faith. Simple word, with profound depth. You maybe can't, but our God can. You will never know that personally unless you ask God to impress upon you a vision - excuse me, a God-Sized Vision. I spoke Sunday about those who may nurse bitterness for perhaps decades. I have known people who died bitter, and I have known people God enabled to forgive, and they died free from their heartache and grief. Just one example:
If an incest victim can forgive, can't you?
If those haunted by regret can give their worries to God, can't you?
If blind Bartimaeus can receive his sight, can't you?
I have no idea what vision God has for you, or what miracle might be required, but after walking with my Lord all those years, I believe!!! God's program includes us. Let's get a hold of that which the Lord has laid hold of us (Philippians 3:12:14).
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
Posted in 21 Day Devotion
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
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