Day Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray Something
Be truthful, please. It is very troubling to know someone who professes to be a Christian, a child of God, a follower of Christ, a disciple of Jesus and, yet, they are living a life of sin. A lying Christian, a cursing Christian, a gossiping Christian, etc. etc. just doesn't sound right. Make no mistake about it, I know full well that none are perfect, especially me. We all sin, but to continue in it day after day. . . well, it just doesn't fit, does it?
Read Galatians 5:19-21
Read Galatians 5:19-21
And read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
So, we shall surely discuss the things we are to put off and the things we are to put on in the days to come. Just as those list, not exhaustive, of course, describes the works of the flesh. There are ideals we expect to find in someone who has indeed been Born Again. One of, if not the most critical for any Christian, is simply prayer. How can anyone believe that they are saved and in a right relationship with their God and never/seldom ever talk to Him? We are just on day three and a few more will fall away today.
Pastors discuss things amongst themselves, as you can imagine. Unfortunately, it is not all positive, thus, I do not associate with a lot of pastors. Discouragement can spread faster than COVID-19. One of the statements we often say is "we would all quit if we only knew." How many people that actually attend church on a regular basis - I'll even limit it to Southern Baptists, who I believe teach the importance of relationship more than any other denomination - have what we call a "prayer life"? I would say more women than men; more mature than younger. I would say it varies from church to church. I would say if parents have taught it, then it is a lot more likely. However, I have to say that I fear fewer take the time on a regular basis to pray, and those that do, few of them incorporate the Bible or a devotional aid. I wouldn't want to know. My hope is that we keep a few of our people who may have decided to look at this blog that have not been, but want to start. Most of you, I pray, have been, and it is a valuable part of your daily routine. I hope you know how much I appreciate you.
I wrote yesterday about the silence of prayer. Listening and waiting for God to speak. He does, and I am glad. But what about the actual praying part? We know we are supposed to pray. We read those statements from our Lord and other New Testament writers:
When you pray
When you fast
Ask, seek, knock
You have not because you ask not
You have not because you ask amiss
When you pray, pray believing you will receive
Pray without ceasing
Come boldly before the throne of Grace.
We know that Jesus prayed. We have the model prayer of Jesus.
Read Luke 11:2-4
Pastors discuss things amongst themselves, as you can imagine. Unfortunately, it is not all positive, thus, I do not associate with a lot of pastors. Discouragement can spread faster than COVID-19. One of the statements we often say is "we would all quit if we only knew." How many people that actually attend church on a regular basis - I'll even limit it to Southern Baptists, who I believe teach the importance of relationship more than any other denomination - have what we call a "prayer life"? I would say more women than men; more mature than younger. I would say it varies from church to church. I would say if parents have taught it, then it is a lot more likely. However, I have to say that I fear fewer take the time on a regular basis to pray, and those that do, few of them incorporate the Bible or a devotional aid. I wouldn't want to know. My hope is that we keep a few of our people who may have decided to look at this blog that have not been, but want to start. Most of you, I pray, have been, and it is a valuable part of your daily routine. I hope you know how much I appreciate you.
I wrote yesterday about the silence of prayer. Listening and waiting for God to speak. He does, and I am glad. But what about the actual praying part? We know we are supposed to pray. We read those statements from our Lord and other New Testament writers:
When you pray
When you fast
Ask, seek, knock
You have not because you ask not
You have not because you ask amiss
When you pray, pray believing you will receive
Pray without ceasing
Come boldly before the throne of Grace.
We know that Jesus prayed. We have the model prayer of Jesus.
Read Luke 11:2-4
Thousands of books have been written on how to pray, when to pray, the attitude of prayer, etc.. I have a few of them, if you want to see any for your learning. To make it absolutely as simple as I can, I will just say that I use the acrostic A. C. T. S. in my head when I pray. I have done it for so long, it is second-nature to me now:
A - Adoration and Acknowledgement. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." Praise Him! Adore Him! Give Him glory through His name as you begin.
C - Confession. 1 John 1:9 says to confess your sin and repent. 2 Corinthians 7:10 tells you to own your sins and lay them down; drop everything and follow Him.
T - Thanksgiving. Just give thanks for everything. Talk to Him. Be thankful. It will change your life.
S - Supplication/Intercession. Pray for others. Pray for yourself. God wants you to ask. You are not informing Him; He already knows. You are showing your dependence on Him. He wants us to.
I follow this daily and seldom feel like I have enough time. I long for my prayer time. I have been on vacation, traveling, sick, super busy, etc. and not spent much, if any real time, with Him for a few days, and it's like not seeing my kids or talking to my mother. I don't know how your marriage works, but Wanda and I don't talk a lot some days during the day, but I have a lot to tell her. I have to see her. I have to touch her. I love her. I would not consider us to be "all over each other" like some couples are, and, yet, I miss her so much if she is gone to her mother's and a few days pass without that close communication.
How can a Christian not pray?
This challenge is about our church developing a routine of prayer. It's about seeking God and growing in our intimacy with Him. Prayer is a must.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
A - Adoration and Acknowledgement. "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by Thy name." Praise Him! Adore Him! Give Him glory through His name as you begin.
C - Confession. 1 John 1:9 says to confess your sin and repent. 2 Corinthians 7:10 tells you to own your sins and lay them down; drop everything and follow Him.
T - Thanksgiving. Just give thanks for everything. Talk to Him. Be thankful. It will change your life.
S - Supplication/Intercession. Pray for others. Pray for yourself. God wants you to ask. You are not informing Him; He already knows. You are showing your dependence on Him. He wants us to.
I follow this daily and seldom feel like I have enough time. I long for my prayer time. I have been on vacation, traveling, sick, super busy, etc. and not spent much, if any real time, with Him for a few days, and it's like not seeing my kids or talking to my mother. I don't know how your marriage works, but Wanda and I don't talk a lot some days during the day, but I have a lot to tell her. I have to see her. I have to touch her. I love her. I would not consider us to be "all over each other" like some couples are, and, yet, I miss her so much if she is gone to her mother's and a few days pass without that close communication.
How can a Christian not pray?
This challenge is about our church developing a routine of prayer. It's about seeking God and growing in our intimacy with Him. Prayer is a must.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
Prayer is such a deep subject for something that seems so simple. Just talk to God. Seems so easy to just say talk to God. Then we get caught up in everything the demanding world throws at us. I have found that the enemy will throw every distraction in the book at you when he knows you're sincere in your prayer life. Very encouraging words, looking forward to continuing on!
Interesting that fasting is to prepare us to hear God's will for us. I've just never thought of it like that.