Day Ten - Spirit-Filled
Day ten of this writing. Let's review. This began as we started the new year. I sensed that there was a desire among our people and in my own heart to grow closer to God by putting Him first in all things.
We pondered some powerful biblical truths regarding our pilgrimage, preparation, intimacy, apathy, discipleship, and Lordship.
I have challenged you to fast by possibly leaving off food for a period, but also anything else, whether it be a simple pleasure or an actual sin, to demonstrate to God your seriousness and to lead you toward an investment of sacrifice that might motivate you to stay on track in your effort to spend more time with God.
In your daily time with the Lord, we looked at prayer, both what to say, how to listen, and, of course, the entire purpose has been on getting us more into the Word of God.
Today, let's make sure we are all together on two very critical matters:
First, for any of these writings to apply, benefit us, grow us, bless us, and, yes, draw us closer to the God of this universe, you must be born again.
Read John 3:1-21
We pondered some powerful biblical truths regarding our pilgrimage, preparation, intimacy, apathy, discipleship, and Lordship.
I have challenged you to fast by possibly leaving off food for a period, but also anything else, whether it be a simple pleasure or an actual sin, to demonstrate to God your seriousness and to lead you toward an investment of sacrifice that might motivate you to stay on track in your effort to spend more time with God.
In your daily time with the Lord, we looked at prayer, both what to say, how to listen, and, of course, the entire purpose has been on getting us more into the Word of God.
Today, let's make sure we are all together on two very critical matters:
First, for any of these writings to apply, benefit us, grow us, bless us, and, yes, draw us closer to the God of this universe, you must be born again.
Read John 3:1-21
A personal relationship with God, which leads to or makes possible intimacy with Christ, must first begin by making Him our Savior.
Read Romans 10:9-13
Read Romans 10:9-13
Assuming the majority that are reading this have been saved, I will not belabor the point. However, not knowing for certain, let's make sure. If you do not know that you have made a personal decision to follow Christ, I need you to consider doing three things ASAP, please:
1) Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins and come into your life to be your Savior.
A - Admit to Him that you are a sinner
B - Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins, arose on the third day in order to pay your penalty, and has gone to prepare a home for you in Heaven
C - Confess Him to be your Lord and pledge to follow Him in obedience until you join Him in Heaven
If you will, pray this prayer:
"Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner, but I want to be saved and set free from the bondage of sin and death. I believe that Your Son died for me. I believe Jesus to be the Christ and I ask Him to come into my heart to be my Lord. I promise to live for You by the help of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you for this redemption that You have afforded me. Help me, now, to follow Your Word. I need You and I love You."
2) I need you to contact me and let me get you the help that you need to truly be His disciple. My number and email are on this website, along with our statement of beliefs.
3) Please attend a Bible-Proclaiming church immediately. I can hep with that, as well. Directions to our church are also here on our website.
Now, let us consider the work and role of the Holy Spirit in the life of God's children as the second very critical matter that we must settle:
Read John 16:5-15
1) Ask Christ to forgive you of your sins and come into your life to be your Savior.
A - Admit to Him that you are a sinner
B - Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins, arose on the third day in order to pay your penalty, and has gone to prepare a home for you in Heaven
C - Confess Him to be your Lord and pledge to follow Him in obedience until you join Him in Heaven
If you will, pray this prayer:
"Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner, but I want to be saved and set free from the bondage of sin and death. I believe that Your Son died for me. I believe Jesus to be the Christ and I ask Him to come into my heart to be my Lord. I promise to live for You by the help of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you for this redemption that You have afforded me. Help me, now, to follow Your Word. I need You and I love You."
2) I need you to contact me and let me get you the help that you need to truly be His disciple. My number and email are on this website, along with our statement of beliefs.
3) Please attend a Bible-Proclaiming church immediately. I can hep with that, as well. Directions to our church are also here on our website.
Now, let us consider the work and role of the Holy Spirit in the life of God's children as the second very critical matter that we must settle:
Read John 16:5-15
Just as we must be saved, we must also be Spirit-Filled. The baptism of the Spirit refers to the new believer's incorporation into the Body of Christ by a spiritual-organic union effected by the Holy Spirit. The new Christian is now "in Christ" and this union takes place at the moment we ask Him into our lives to be our Savior. There is no Scripture text urging believers today to seek the Spirit's Baptism. Why? We already have Him when positionally sanctified at salvation!
Read Ephesians 5:18
Read Ephesians 5:18
However, what the Bible does do is urge us to seek and receive the filling of the Spirit. It is written, "Keep on being filled." This is the wonderful, Spirit-Filled life, also known as the process of sanctification. Having been positioned in Him at salvation enables us to begin the process of being sanctified like Him. We will never be as He is. We will never achieve sinless perfectionism, but our goal is to sin less and less, living a life well-pleasing unto Him by setting our minds on things above, not on things of this earth. Eternal life begins as salvation, but abundant life in Christ occurs as we grow and develop a dynamic relationship with Him.
Read John 10:10
Read John 10:10
This is the life we want. We walk in assurance that our sins are forgive and a home in Heaven is being prepared for us. But my spiritual walk with God is so much deeper; I know myself because I know Him. I am a better person having determined to be more like Him. Can you say the same?
Baptism of the Spirit occurs at salvation. The filling of the Spirit occurs as we submit our will to His and come under His control, power, and influence, as one does with alcohol, as was pointed out in Ephesians 5:18. It is beautiful. Please, seek and receive the filling of the Spirit. How? Well, I ask for it daily. Seldom, very very seldom, does a day pass that I do not pray: "Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Allow Him to grant me wisdom and discernment. Without Him, I will not be able or willing to live for You."
Try it. He wants to grant this power and presence to you, but we must yield to it/Him. Like salvation, He will not force Himself upon you.
I deeply appreciate you reading this daily and accepting this challenge, but you might as well stop here and return to your apathetic spirituality if you will not be saved and/or are not willing to give yourself to Him. I am calling to you, I am asking you to see and hear the invitation of our Lord to come out of the world, be separate, be different, and join the movement. Early Christians were called Those of the Way. I'm aboard. Are you?
Would you consider Romans 12:1-2 as a foundation for your identity in Him?
Do not be conformed, but be transformed. That is a good life goal.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
Baptism of the Spirit occurs at salvation. The filling of the Spirit occurs as we submit our will to His and come under His control, power, and influence, as one does with alcohol, as was pointed out in Ephesians 5:18. It is beautiful. Please, seek and receive the filling of the Spirit. How? Well, I ask for it daily. Seldom, very very seldom, does a day pass that I do not pray: "Father, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Allow Him to grant me wisdom and discernment. Without Him, I will not be able or willing to live for You."
Try it. He wants to grant this power and presence to you, but we must yield to it/Him. Like salvation, He will not force Himself upon you.
I deeply appreciate you reading this daily and accepting this challenge, but you might as well stop here and return to your apathetic spirituality if you will not be saved and/or are not willing to give yourself to Him. I am calling to you, I am asking you to see and hear the invitation of our Lord to come out of the world, be separate, be different, and join the movement. Early Christians were called Those of the Way. I'm aboard. Are you?
Would you consider Romans 12:1-2 as a foundation for your identity in Him?
Do not be conformed, but be transformed. That is a good life goal.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
Posted in 21 Day Devotion
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
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