Day Seven - Discipleship
Helen Keller was once asked, "Do you think there is anything more tragic than to be born blind?" Her answer was, "Yes, to be born with sight, but no vision."
Countless people do not know who they are, why they are here, or what good they can accomplish.
Some Bible teachers speak of "multiple touches: from God. There is the touch of conviction that makes us aware of our lostness and need for salvation and there is the touch of conviction that makes us aware of our sinfulness post salvation. There is the touch of comfort that makes us aware of His presence when we are hurting and in need of comfort. There is the touch of wisdom that makes us aware of His provision and protection when we are floundering and in need of guidance. Perhaps, there is yet another touch that He grants to the ones who seek Him; might we call it the touch of enlightenment that makes us aware that He has a plan, purpose, and program for each of His children.
Every Christian needs to be aware of several lists in the Bible. I shared two lists in one of the blogs that tells us that there are some works of the flesh that, when habitually repeated, might keep a person out of Heaven. There are the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. There is the whole Armor of God in Ephesians 6. There are also the Gifts of the Spirit given to us in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 & 28-30, Ephesians 4:11, and 1 Peter 4:9-11.
I would respectively suggest you become familiar with all of these lists, but, as it regards purpose, we must consider the fact that God equips us for the work of ministry and for the call He has placed upon us all. The amazing thing about the call into service He has placed upon the vast majority of Christians is that most will not have to go into seminary, go to another country, or even into vocational ministry. No, you and most Christians serve the Lord with gladness in your home town, in your local church, and through your chosen profession.
Now, I have to believe that is comforting. I have to believe that most people do not want to run from God, but cannot see themselves as a Pastor, a Pastor's wife, a missionary, etc. so you can relax, right?
Exactly. We do relax. Too many are too relaxed and comfortable. Perhaps this is why the concept of fasting was thrust upon you, and why I have been pounding the need to destroy apathy and develop intimacy. I am absolutely 100% convinced that far too many take God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, His Word, His will, His people, worship, ministry, prayer, and so on, for granted. We are all way too casual.
If God is real. We say our God is not dead and that He reveals Himself through His Spirit and His Holy Word, and, yet, so many are too busy and too comfortable to seek Him, listen to Him, and obey Him.
Read Hebrews 5:12-14
Countless people do not know who they are, why they are here, or what good they can accomplish.
Some Bible teachers speak of "multiple touches: from God. There is the touch of conviction that makes us aware of our lostness and need for salvation and there is the touch of conviction that makes us aware of our sinfulness post salvation. There is the touch of comfort that makes us aware of His presence when we are hurting and in need of comfort. There is the touch of wisdom that makes us aware of His provision and protection when we are floundering and in need of guidance. Perhaps, there is yet another touch that He grants to the ones who seek Him; might we call it the touch of enlightenment that makes us aware that He has a plan, purpose, and program for each of His children.
Every Christian needs to be aware of several lists in the Bible. I shared two lists in one of the blogs that tells us that there are some works of the flesh that, when habitually repeated, might keep a person out of Heaven. There are the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. There is the whole Armor of God in Ephesians 6. There are also the Gifts of the Spirit given to us in Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 & 28-30, Ephesians 4:11, and 1 Peter 4:9-11.
I would respectively suggest you become familiar with all of these lists, but, as it regards purpose, we must consider the fact that God equips us for the work of ministry and for the call He has placed upon us all. The amazing thing about the call into service He has placed upon the vast majority of Christians is that most will not have to go into seminary, go to another country, or even into vocational ministry. No, you and most Christians serve the Lord with gladness in your home town, in your local church, and through your chosen profession.
Now, I have to believe that is comforting. I have to believe that most people do not want to run from God, but cannot see themselves as a Pastor, a Pastor's wife, a missionary, etc. so you can relax, right?
Exactly. We do relax. Too many are too relaxed and comfortable. Perhaps this is why the concept of fasting was thrust upon you, and why I have been pounding the need to destroy apathy and develop intimacy. I am absolutely 100% convinced that far too many take God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, His Word, His will, His people, worship, ministry, prayer, and so on, for granted. We are all way too casual.
If God is real. We say our God is not dead and that He reveals Himself through His Spirit and His Holy Word, and, yet, so many are too busy and too comfortable to seek Him, listen to Him, and obey Him.
Read Hebrews 5:12-14
By you reading this tells me that something is happening in you. You are not casual. You want more. You are serious about following our Lord in a more determined way. Congratulations! You have surpassed millions who have named Jesus a Savior, but never made or allowed Him to be their Lord.
We may call Him master. Think of the ramifications and depths of the possibility of Him actually being your master, and you being His humble servant. How would you describe that, if you were to try? I know it has a dark connotation, because of slavery, but the terminology and concept is most Biblical.
Read John 15:15
We may call Him master. Think of the ramifications and depths of the possibility of Him actually being your master, and you being His humble servant. How would you describe that, if you were to try? I know it has a dark connotation, because of slavery, but the terminology and concept is most Biblical.
Read John 15:15
We are friends of God. We are Join Heirs with Jesus. We are called children of God, adopted into His family. We are chosen and we are the elect of God. We are forgiven and loved. Of all the wonderful ways God's Word describes us, I want you to note John 15:14 that says "You are my friends if you do whatever I command you." As a beloved friend of God, obedience under His divine authority is still required. So, as one of His friends or disciples or whatever way you and I want to see ourselves, He leads, and we follow. For that to happen, this has got to continue. The Twenty-One Day Challenge of fasting and prayer has got to turn into a life pattern.
Our goal, right here, right now, is to be God-centered, Christlike, and Spirit-filled. As that occurs over time, we are not talking about cutting out chocolate or soft drinks. We are not talking about getting up a little earlier, or skipping lunch to spend little more time with the Lord.
Ok, it is those things in some cases, for sure. But, no, what we are talking about is thinking about God, putting God first in all things, giving our lives to Him - all of it - and holding nothing back. Can you be different? Will you be different?
Lordship/discipleship is about running everything about us through the filter of His Word. All the lists I gave you add at least one more found in Philippians 4:8-9. Do you remember it? Read it again. Go back and listen to that message, if time allows, but hear this first it is not just about those lists, it is the entirety of the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament. It is a lifetime of learning applied moment by moment, decision by decision. He must be your worldview.
Don't get overwhelmed. We will do this together.
Our goal, right here, right now, is to be God-centered, Christlike, and Spirit-filled. As that occurs over time, we are not talking about cutting out chocolate or soft drinks. We are not talking about getting up a little earlier, or skipping lunch to spend little more time with the Lord.
Ok, it is those things in some cases, for sure. But, no, what we are talking about is thinking about God, putting God first in all things, giving our lives to Him - all of it - and holding nothing back. Can you be different? Will you be different?
Lordship/discipleship is about running everything about us through the filter of His Word. All the lists I gave you add at least one more found in Philippians 4:8-9. Do you remember it? Read it again. Go back and listen to that message, if time allows, but hear this first it is not just about those lists, it is the entirety of the Scriptures, particularly the New Testament. It is a lifetime of learning applied moment by moment, decision by decision. He must be your worldview.
Don't get overwhelmed. We will do this together.
Tomorrow, we will have His message on Lordship.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
In Christ,
Pastor Todd
Posted in 21 Day Devotion
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
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