Several artists have published songs with the title "Who Do You Love?" McDonalds has run an advertisement for years with the motto "I'm lovin' it." We use the word love so often and randomly that it has lost some of its luster and impact. I don't love Clemson the same way I do my wife. I don't love your children the same way I do my own. Those differences are natural and broadly accepted. Certainly we can love differently.
The Bible challenges us to love. We are to love God supremely. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to hunger and thirst for righteousness. I think that requires love. So many instructions from seeking His will, to obeying His Word, to faithfully caring for His Bride and Body, the Church, all of which require a passion and commitment that we might call love.
My grandfather died just before I turned three years old. I have often pondered what he could have taught me, had he lived just ten years longer. I am convinced these lessons would have made my learning curve easier. I have learned a lot by trial and error.
I would like to believe that every one of you grow up in a warm, well balanced, loving home and, as a result of loving God and loving others, everything else has come easy for you. I am sorry to say that I do not believe that to be true. I would argue, in fact, that love is one of the many areas that we never fully master. We can only hope to improve and grow in it as we grow in Christ.
I have only loved one woman in my life and I am married to her right now. I knew the moment I saw Wanda that God had brought her into my life. As memorable as that moment was and as much as I believed I was loving her and treating her well, as I reflect back I may have been doing my best at the time, but nothing in comparison to today. I honestly can testify that I love her more now than ever and more than I do myself. There are many reasons for that growth, but the one I know has enhanced my ability to love is my growth in Christ.
Love does not have to come naturally. Love does not have to have been taught or modeled. Love does not always have to be equal toward everyone and everything. Love is a choice. Love is a discipline. True, deep and real love is a fruit of the Spirit and thus only possible for the Christian.
Who do you love? If your love for Christ is not genuine and growing, you will never be able to love the way you ought and want to. From politicians to the guy next door, it seems more and more that people are becoming more and more selfish, self-absorbed, and narcissistic. That is a true sign of a godless society. Maybe you have prayed "Lord, help me to love my spouse, my children, my pastor, my boss, my neighbor, etc." I submit the Lord may very well respond, "Love me first, and not only will I, but it will come more naturally than you can imagine."
Happy Valentines Day.
The Bible challenges us to love. We are to love God supremely. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are to hunger and thirst for righteousness. I think that requires love. So many instructions from seeking His will, to obeying His Word, to faithfully caring for His Bride and Body, the Church, all of which require a passion and commitment that we might call love.
My grandfather died just before I turned three years old. I have often pondered what he could have taught me, had he lived just ten years longer. I am convinced these lessons would have made my learning curve easier. I have learned a lot by trial and error.
I would like to believe that every one of you grow up in a warm, well balanced, loving home and, as a result of loving God and loving others, everything else has come easy for you. I am sorry to say that I do not believe that to be true. I would argue, in fact, that love is one of the many areas that we never fully master. We can only hope to improve and grow in it as we grow in Christ.
I have only loved one woman in my life and I am married to her right now. I knew the moment I saw Wanda that God had brought her into my life. As memorable as that moment was and as much as I believed I was loving her and treating her well, as I reflect back I may have been doing my best at the time, but nothing in comparison to today. I honestly can testify that I love her more now than ever and more than I do myself. There are many reasons for that growth, but the one I know has enhanced my ability to love is my growth in Christ.
Love does not have to come naturally. Love does not have to have been taught or modeled. Love does not always have to be equal toward everyone and everything. Love is a choice. Love is a discipline. True, deep and real love is a fruit of the Spirit and thus only possible for the Christian.
Who do you love? If your love for Christ is not genuine and growing, you will never be able to love the way you ought and want to. From politicians to the guy next door, it seems more and more that people are becoming more and more selfish, self-absorbed, and narcissistic. That is a true sign of a godless society. Maybe you have prayed "Lord, help me to love my spouse, my children, my pastor, my boss, my neighbor, etc." I submit the Lord may very well respond, "Love me first, and not only will I, but it will come more naturally than you can imagine."
Happy Valentines Day.
Day One - First LoveDay Two - SilenceDay Three - Don't Just Stand There, Pray SomethingDay Four - God is God and You are NotDay Five - Focus Focus FocusDay Six - Dust on the Bible, Drought in the HeartDay Seven - DiscipleshipDay Eight - LordshipDay Nine - Bacon or EggsDay Ten - Spirit-FilledDay Eleven - Walking With the Holy SpiritDay Twelve - Drown him OutDay Thirteen - Monday??Day Fourteen - VisionDay Fifteen - SeekDay Sixteen - Praise
Beautifully put! ðŸ™
Well said and I believe He will. Thank you for this message. 🙌ðŸ»ðŸ™ðŸ»