Fit for the Master's Use
Fit for the Master's Use
January 10, 2025
In 2 Timothy 2:1-26, Paul gives seven pictures of what a devoted servant of the Lord, our Master, might resemble.
We resemble:
A steward (1-2)
A soldier (3-4, 8-13)
An athlete (5)
A farmer (6-7)
A workman (14-18)
A vessel (19-22)
A servant (23-26)
We will spend most of our time focused on the last two. In the illustration of the vessel, Paul describes a great house, which is the professing church. The foundation of the house is safe and secure because God's seal is on her. God seals, guards, protects and provides, but there is a human component to our faith, as well. Believers are vessels and servants in the House of God, preforming household functions. We have multiple responsibilities, including defending the truth from false teachers. Another incredible task is guarding our character and integrity from immorality and sin. Those who are most fit for the Master's use are those who are the most sold out and the most all-in for Christ. Unfortunately, not all believers are. Thus, we preach, teach, encourage and challenge. In fact, the Bible uses the words "provoke" - "Provoke one another unto holiness and righteousness" (Hebrews 10:24). Verse twenty-five of our text says: "In humility, correct those who are in opposition, so God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they might walk in the truth." Thus, we must walk upright that others might as well.
Let's take this challenge of God's Word to heart.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd