Fit for the Master's Use
The vessel of honor dedicated to be useful for the master is one who realizes that they must build on the solid foundation and corner stone which is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Jesus said, "Whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them, I will liken them to a wise builder who built his house on a rock." (Matthew 7:24). From our text this week, we will discover that the Apostle Paul continues this theme of comparing disciples of Christ to images that help us understand our position in Christ. He has likened us to a steward, a solider, an athlete, a farmer, a workman, a vessel and a slave. Now He compares us to the builder and a building. The building imagery is compared to the Temple of God. Based on how we build, with what we build, and upon what foundation we build, it will be revealed which Temple we are: holy or defiled.
Christ our Lord will be the ultimate Judge one day, but it will be our works, our words, attitudes, and devotion that will determine the rewards and crowns we shall receive as Christians. Our salvation is totally the work of Christ on the cross. He seals, guards, and keeps it until that day of judgement. It is our life that reveals whose we are. His grace, mercy, love, and vicarious substitutionary atonement that provides us the ability to live for Him.
When troubles come - winds, waves, floods, fires, sickness, death, marital woes, rebellious children, aging parents, bad neighbors, financial restraints, you name it... most have experienced it. Does your faith (i.e. building) stand, or does it crumble down?
Two weeks ago, we examined four necessities for every vessel of honor building on the solid foundation of a structure that will stand when trouble comes. We must flee youthful lust, pursue righteousness, avoid strife and we are to be gentle, patient, and able to teach. As wise builders, we understand there is much more at stake than just us and our future. We as God's Temple care about others. We want others to find their way as we have. For that to occur, we must be compassionate towards others.
May I remind you that Satan is the Author of Confusion and the Father of Lies, the Great Deceiver, and the Master Manipulator sowing discord in everything he can. The god of this age and the ruler of this world wants us in our corners, ready to fight, Christ wants us going and sharing His love, mercy, grace, kindness, and forgiveness with the lost and dying world. This world is passing away, but we possess the eternal hope of glory.
Do you see people?
Do you see their needs?
Do you see the opportunity to meet their needs in Christ?
Read Corinthians 3:1-17
Sunday we will consider:
I. The Cause of Division: The Flesh (1-3)
II. The Symptoms of Division: Jealousy and Strife (3-4)
III. The Cure for Division: Glorifying God (5-9)
"Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and healing every sickness and disease among the people. But when He saw the people, He was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep, having no shepherd."
Let's get out of our corners and out amongst the people and show the compassion of Christ by perhaps simply giving a cup of cold water in Jesus' name. We have no idea how much impact a little act of kindness might have upon someone who may have never received any.
You see the two men who passed by the man on the Jericho road must have asked themselves:
"If I stop to help this man, what shall happen to me?"
The Good Samaritan must have asked himself:
"If I do not stop to help this man, what shall happen to him?"
No compassion for others will render you unfit for the Master's use.