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It's Almost Sunday


The "sanctity of human life" and the "Holiness of God" are two phrases I fear the majority in our world today have little understanding. Some may think they know and, thus, hate what they think it must mean, while others use both phrases with great full throated affirmation, but rarely defend either. I pray we can have a renewed value and loyalty to them both following Sunday's message from Psalm 139. The greatest text in Scripture regarding God's Sovereignty and Providence over man. It is mind blowingly majestic. We need a little majestic in our lives today. Wouldn't you agree?

The events of this week sadden me greatly. Multiple law enforcement officers wounded in the line of duty in our backyard, four of them making the ultimate sacrifice. In the backdrop, we have an uprising of anti-Jewish sentiment growing in the name of "peace." These supposed pro-Palestine, pro-Gaza protestors are now rioting, attacking, threatening, insulting, and occupying time and space. They are a mob. Some are planted there and are paid.  Some are "pamphlet protestors" who have no real idea of what this is all about. Some, however, have "drunk the kool-aid" and truly believe that Gaza/Palestine must be protected from the evil West.

It certainly feels to me like we are living in unprecedented times. I am convinced that our God and humanity's return to Him is all that will stop this culture of death that is prevailing in our world. Until a person accepts the teachings and thoughts of David found here in Psalm 139, the abyss of deity deniers and self-righteous activists will only continue to grow.

"Imago dei." Made in the image of God, is the hinge upon which our value of human life swings. Life is sacred because humanity is created by a Holy God. "My body, my choice" has devolved into "you're in my way." If one can freely and, now, proudly eliminate a hindrance of the most innocent amongst us, an unborn baby, or if one can liberate themselves from their oppressors, the authorities, no one is safe, and the path for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, has been destroyed.

Our nation has to immediately return to respect for the rule of law and for all human life, unborn, viable or unviable, elderly, and all authorities. We are at a tipping point, but not a new place. This shift away from ethics being about right versus wrong to human rights is an ongoing philosophical realignment. Our feelings, wants, desires, plans, ambitions, cannot trump that of God, or even those of others. The agenda for self-first and refusal to deny self any pleasure is feasting on the underbelly of what was not long ago the greatest nation on earth.

Abortion, euthanasia, and murder of people different than us are not acceptable in a civilized culture. We have to stop this trend of us versus them. I cannot believe that our streets are filled with thousands of so-called intellectuals who are siding with Hamas, a known terrorist organization who kidnap, rape, murder, and brutalize their victims. If these kids are truly embracing the actions of these animals, then they are saying whatever Jew or Americans got on October 4th was deserved. This is sick and sad.

Please join me in praying for the unborn, the elderly, Israel, Jews around the world, law enforcement, and all who come under attack by those who have no appreciation for life, authorities, and the law of the land.

See you Sunday.

In Christ,
Pastor Todd

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